The project bag (McCall’s stitch ‘n save M6493) review

finished tote

I was busy last month making birthday gifts and playing around with video making with my camera last month.  Here’s  one of the projects I made.  I’ve had the fabric for this make for a while as I wanted to make a project bag for knitting or crocheting for my sister for Christmas but never managed to make it.  It’s a pattern which I’ve had lying around for quite a while too.

I’ve made two videos for this make.  The first is a time lapse of the actual make all the way from cutting out the fabric and applying interfacing to adding the last finishes!  It’s quite a long time lapse, even with the activity sped up by 1250%!

The second video is a review of the bag, which is much shorter!  You can also read my pattern review breakdown below:


  • Pattern name: M6493
  • Variation/Style: A
  • Design House: McCall’s stitch ‘n save


Medium weight/cotton duck patterned fabric – this worked really well as it was sturdy.


It is an easy pattern as there are no curves on version A, which means straight stitching.  There are no zips or buttons, but it is a lengthy project so patience is required!


Seam allowances are printed on the pattern pieces and there are markers to help you match up key parts of the pattern.

I didn’t read anything in the pattern on trimming the seam allowances on the corners by the handles, however.




I love the separate, covered base!

The pockets are great too (may be nice to add pockets to the inside as well).

I would prefer sealed ends to the dowel handles rather than the suggested gluing – I’ve tried to secure mine without glue by extra hand stitching for a snugger fit.

It feels a bit exposed at the top, but this isn’t an issue if you are using as an actual market bag.

Time taken

I did make it in a day, but that was the whole day gone.

It took me about  hours to cut out.  This included adding interfacing, attempting to pattern match the pockets, and having a go with carbon paper, which I am not used to using.

The actual sewing construction time was about 4.5 hours.


I would make this again without adjustments if I wanted to use it for my shopping, but if I did it as a project bag again, I would adjust the fabric to encase the handles and consider adding a zip.

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